2011년 4월 20일 수요일

히비스커스 로젤 Hibiscus


쿠스 사브다리파(Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)는 서아프리카가 원산지로 꽃받침 부분을 먹기 위해 재배하는 식물이다. 로젤(Roselle),레드소렐(red sorrel), 아그리오 데 기네아(Agrio de Guinea)로 불린다.
로젤레는 다년생 식물이지만 재배할 때는 1년생 식물처럼 기르고, 씨로 번식시킨다. 열대지역의 기름지고 배수가 잘 되는 땅에서 가장 잘 자라며 생장기간에는 매달 평균 250㎜의 강수량이 필요하다. 잎과 잎자루는 짙은 녹색에서 붉은 빛이 도는 것까지 다양하며, 꽃은 황백색이나 엷은 노란색이다.


열대 지방에서는 히비스쿠스 사브다리파 알티시마의 다소 시큼하고 붉은색을 띤 꽃받침으로 음료수·소스·젤리·설탕절임·차트네 등을 만들며 잎과 잎자루는 샐러드·야채요리로 쓰고 카레 요리의 조미료로 사용한다. 아프리카에서는 기름이 들어 있는 씨를 먹기도 한다.

Ten Varieties of Tea Plants

There are ten types of herbal tea, that  use of the main component in leaf bud. Now you can enjoy all these types of tea and a special fragrance have different.
1st Camomile
Brewed chamomile tea can calm your nerves on edge. After tea, sleep well and relax.
2nd Lime Leaf
Lemon Grass leaves are often inserted to cook the tea. Why? In addition, a unique flavor, tea leaves, lemongrass given race, you can keep the risk of digestive problems.
3rd Jasmine
Brewed jasmine tea is a unique scent of jasmine. There is a feeling you can snake jasmine tea Gourami sleepy, but the feeling.
4th Mint
Peppermint tea is usually brewed with black tea or green. Aroma and taste of menthol, which reduce this press release kelaur respiratory problems, the symptoms of the flu to prevent leaves and flatulence and bad breath.
5th Dahlia
Dahlia flower tea strengthen our immune system, or immunity. This tea can be also accelerate the swelling of the body to drain the wound.
6th Rose Hip (seeds)
Brewed tea and red. Strawberry tea contains vitamin C is very high.
7th Blackberry Leaf
Blackberry leaf has a unique taste. In addition, this tea contains antioxidant flavonoids are good sources for preventing the skin aging.
8th Hibiscus
Hibiscus tea is a powerful tool to combat digestive problems known.
9th Orange Peel
Tea with orange essence with a little honey rind will give a strong taste. Tea is for the addition of stamina to fight off the flu suitable.
10th Essential Oils
The essential oil is added to tea infusion, the blood flow increase to fight disease and reduce heart liver channel toxin.

아메리칸 블루 Evolvulus glomeratus

아메리칸 블루 Evolvulus glomeratus
Common Names: blue daze, evolvulus
Family: Convolvulaceae (morning glory Family)

Evolvulus, or blue daze, is an evergreen subshrub that grows in a low, spreading mound, up to 2-3 ft (0.6-0.9 m) in diameter, but no more than 1 ft (0.3 m) tall. The stems become woody as they age. Leaves and stems are densely downy, covered with a light gray fuzz. Use your tongue to feel the feltlike texture. The egg shaped leaves are about a 0.5 in (1.3 cm) wide and 1 in (2.5 cm) long. The funnel shaped flowers are born individually in leaf axils near the stem tips. They are about 1 in (2.5 cm) across, with five pale lavender or powder blue petals and white throats. Evolvulus blooms profusely and almost continuously, but each flower lasts only a day, opening in the morning and closing by afternoon. The cultivar, 'Blue Daze' is widely available.
Evolvulus glomeratus is native to Brazil and Paraguay. This plant is sometimes confused with Evolvulus pilosus (a.k.a. E. nuttallianus) which occurs in midwestern North America from Montana and North Dakota, south through Arizona and Texas. Both species grow in open plains and prairies on dry sandy or rocky soils.
Evolvulus grows well in full sun in poor sandy soils that are well drained. Light: Evolvulus does best in full sun, but can tolerate a little shade, especially at midday.
Moisture: Evolvulus needs a well drained soil, but also frequent watering. It cannot tolerate wet soils at all, and very rainy periods or overwatering will cause fungus problems and lead to premature death. Evolvulus needs very little water in winter, and the humidity should be low when the temperature is low.
Hardiness: USDA Zones 8 - 11. This is one plant that likes it hot! In areas that get frost, grow blue daze as an annual or in a container that can be brought inside. Some specimens of blue daze may survive light frosts, especially if they have been mulched.
Propagation: Propagate blue daze from softwood stem cuttings or by seed. The stems tend to take root where they touch the ground, so blue daze can be propagated easily by separating rooted stems from the mother plant.
A low growing Blue Daze covers ground at the edge of Steve's vegetable garden as a butter daisy (Melampodium paludosum) looks on. 
Outdoors, grow blue daze in a sandy, well drained soil. Mulch to prevent competition from weeds. The feltlike gray-green foliage and pale blue flowers make blue daze a standout in beds and borders or as a ground cover. It's especially attractive grown in masses along with yellow or pink flowering plants. Blue daze is spectacular in hanging containers. It is highly tolerant of salt, and makes a fine ornamental for the coastal garden or in a planter on an oceanside balcony. Let it cascade over a window box or a porch planter.
"Evolvulus blue daze" is the most frequently used common name, whereas Evolvulus glomeratus 'Blue Daze' is the correct cultivar name. This plant is sometimes confused with a hardier North American species and sold under the name Evolvulus pilosus 'Blue Daze'. However, the North American species is seldom found in cultivation. The generic name comes from the Latin for "untwist", referring to the nonclimbing habit, unusual among members of the morning glory family.

2011년 4월 18일 월요일

핑크샤워 Pink Shower Cassia grandis

핑크샤워 Pink Shower Cassia grandis
화사한 아열대 꽃나무, 분재의 소재로도 많이 사용합니다.

게이샤 걸 Geisha Girl Duranta Erecta

게이샤 걸 Geisha Girl Duranta Erecta
제시 최저 온도는 -10까지이나 내한성이 정확하지는 않습니다.

2011년 4월 15일 금요일

낮달맞이꽃 레몬선셋 Oenothera Evening Primrose 'Lemon Sunset'

Oenothera 'Lemon Sunset' Evening Primrose,Sundrops
Hardy Perennial
An exquisite Evening Primrose with beautiful 10cm (4in) soft-yellow flowers that mature by changing to an attractive sunset-red. Ideal for adding height to borders, as well as a delicate evening fragrance to your garden.
Height 90-100cm (36-40in).

은방울꽃 Convallaria keiskei

은방울꽃 Convallaria keiskei
백합목 백합과의 여러해살이풀. 야생화

오월화·녹령초 등으로 불리기도 하며 산지에서 자란다. 5~6월에 은방울 모양의 흰색 꽃이 피는데, 하나의 꽃줄기 10송이 정도가 총상꽃차례로 아래를 향해 핀다. 관상초로 심으며 어린 잎은 식용한다. 향기가 좋아 향수 재료로 쓰기도 하며 한방에서는 약재로 쓴다. 꽃말은 ‘순결, 다시 찾은 행복’이다.